For every one “Thank You” email I get from a paid subscriber, I probably get ten from free subscribers who simply don’t believe the prices I say are possible.

Here is one of my more polite replies from a skeptical free subscriber this morning.

If you’re like Regan, I understand.  The JGOOT Way of travel is not for everyone.

That’s why I openly share how you can do what I do for free.

Yes, The JGOOT Way is different.

Yes – if you want to travel for 50% to 98% less than everyone else on the plane – every time you travel – you MUST start preparing a MINIMUM of 4 months in advance.

Yes, there is a learning curve (that can be learned via my free blog, Facebook page, and free youtube channel without ever upgrading to my premium trip-alert service.)

Once you get past that learning curve – you will have the knowledge and tools to spend 50% to 98% less than everyone on the same plane as you.

Every single time you travel.

For the rest of your life.


If you’re not willing to set aside everything you know about traveling “the traditional way” to learn a slightly different way of travel (operative word being “learn”)…

Traveling for 50% to 98% off every time you travel simply isn’t possible and there is no sense continuing to fill your inbox with travel tips from me.

There is an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of every email you receive from me.  No hard feelings if you use it.  I promise.