Croatia Group Trip: 2 people needed to secure catamaran

Premium subscribers (and most worldly travelers I know) Sean and Janelle have put another group trip together to Croatia this summer, and they’ve offered a special deal just for JGOOT subscribers who help them get a rarely available live-aboard c…

What’s the catch?

I had to take on the task of shopping at Costco this weekend to get one thing, and one thing only: A brisket for some neighbors we were having over for dinner. As I was filling up on free samples of stuff I had no intention of buying, I realized someth…

Premium membership giveaway

For every 100 emails I get with questions about JGOOT, approximately 98 can be answered in one of the links below. Can you look into a trip to [insert city here] for me? Can I change the dates you suggest? How do I book a trip? Is there a fee for this …

“Are you a travel agent?”

I get requests on a daily basis to look into trips for people.  Unfortunately, I am not a travel agent and I can’t help them book trips. If I were, I would spend all my time answering calls, and not proactively finding travel deals. How I CAN hel…

Why are travel agents so unreliable?

First off, not all travel agents are unreliable, but The good agents only handle calls from new prospects after they are done serving their existing client base. If they’re really good, that might be a long time. The bad agents… Well, that&…

Why do I have to stay x days?

Although I always include suggested dates, can always shorten, lengthen, or change dates entirely. The best way to tell how easy it will be to find alternate dates at a similar price to what I found is to take a look at my “flexibility score.&#82…

Do you have any deals to [insert city here?]

When it comes to finding trips to the specific location you’re looking for, I’ve got good news & bad news. The good: I search over 1000 destinations every day for mistake fares, and every day is a potpourri of good deals to be had.  Hav…

“What does your wife do?”

The setup: I work at home and am on my computer 90% of the time. Most of my clients are 2 to 7 hours ahead of me so I start early, and rarely shower until late afternoon. I also watch embarrassing volumes of movies & shows on Netflix while doing th…

Are these fares real?

The most common question new subscribers have about this site is “Are these fares real?” To address this concern, I include proof of every fare we publish to the site.  To verify these fares yourself, simply click on the appropriate link. (Screenshot b…