Reach out and touch someone

 . In the late 70’s – long-distance calling was extremely expensive ($.10 to $.25 per minute), rates were very confusing, and most people only called for really special occasions. So AT&T launched a campaign about how their new calling…

This site is not for you if…

Yesterday, I got a text from one of my subscribers, Brooke Merkle, while she was on vacation.  When CBS News profiled her less than a year ago, she had taken her family on 3 JGOOT-inspired trips, and was going on her fourth trip to Hawaii. She’s …

Oops! Sorry about all of the extra posts today.

Today, you will get a bunch of extra/irrelevant emails from old trips out of DEN with a bunch of dead links. Sorry in advance for filling your inbox up with them. All should be back to normal tomorrow. –Joel “Working too late and got sloppy…