“I love this site!! The emails I receive are amazing and the deals are unreal. In a way it’s dangerous…
“Going to save me hours of looking online before booking travel”
“This site is amazing! I can’t even believe how cheap some of these deals are. I love that the destinations…

JGOOT In The News
One of JGOOT’s most frequent travelers and I were recently interviewed by Shawn Chitnis at CBS News. Details below. –Joel…
The deals Joel finds are difficult to ignore
“I LOVE “Just get out of Town”!! It’s amazing how my perspective of traveling the US has changed. Before finding…
Testimonial from Karl Merida
“Great deals, many trips that you never thought were possible!!”
“Where/When/How Long/How Much is PERFECT!”
Amazing! I am so glad someone is putting hard work into bringing me deals like these – and all from…
“No need for any other site!”
Awesome places of choice, price, and excellent personal follow up! Highly recommended. No need for any other site!! Kimberley Jane…
Email from a subscriber to Joel
[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” custom_class=”] Email from a subscriber to me when I offered a refund of his latest membership…
“All legwork of digging for deals is done”
Great site. All the legwork of digging for deals is done. Getting out of Dodge next month!! Steve Silver
It takes a village
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“Membership fee paid several times over”
“In addition to extremely affordable trips, Joel’s knowledge on how to get free Uber rides, free meals at the airport,…
“Move over Kayak, Expedia, Priceline…”
“Move over Kayak, Expedia, Price Line ……. This couple [Joel & Michelle] is smashing all deals I’m getting from other…
“Just booked $325 flights to London. Haven’t had a vacation in 10 years… “
“Just wanted to take a second and thank you for your amazing website. We just booked flights to London in…
Some words about JGOOT from a pilot
“Sometimes you have to lead the horse to water to get him to drink – or so I’ve heard. JGOOT…
Travel-obsessed parent & teacher who searches for deals during school breaks
“I love watching the deals come in! As a travel-obsessed parent and a teacher, I am thrilled that I can…