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Our visit to Turks and Caicos involved 3 different families with 6 adults, and 7 kids – all under one roof. (You can review other things we did here.)

Finding an excursion everyone was interested in was difficult… until we agreed on bottom fishing.

Unlike deep-sea fishing (which can involve a full day in the hot sun, possibly not catching a single thing, and only interested about 4 of the 13 of us), bottom fishing virtually guarantees catching lots of fish. Since it’s typically close to shore, it can just be a few hours vs. an all day commitment, and the fish you catch…

And I’m not talking about any old fish… We saw some of the most exotic fish any of us have ever seen. Better yet, our boat guides, baited everything, handled all of the fish for anyone who wasn’t interested in handling fish, and they cleaned and cut everything for us – giving us an amazing home-cooked meal that night.

Recommendation: If you ever decide to go bottom fishing, talk to your guide and see if they’d also be willing to do a snorkeling stop.  We only went for about 5 hours, but in hindsight – we caught so many fish so quickly, it would have been nice to spend an hour or two snorkeling as well.

Happy Travels!


(Click on any image below to enlarge)

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