Reach out and touch someone

 . In the late 70’s – long-distance calling was extremely expensive ($.10 to $.25 per minute), rates were very confusing, and most people only called for really special occasions. So AT&T launched a campaign about how their new calling…

This site is not for you if…

Yesterday, I got a text from one of my subscribers, Brooke Merkle, while she was on vacation.  When CBS News profiled her less than a year ago, she had taken her family on 3 JGOOT-inspired trips, and was going on her fourth trip to Hawaii. She’s …

Oops! Sorry about all of the extra posts today.

Today, you will get a bunch of extra/irrelevant emails from old trips out of DEN with a bunch of dead links. Sorry in advance for filling your inbox up with them. All should be back to normal tomorrow. –Joel “Working too late and got sloppy…

Thanksgiving musings

It’s the end of the day on Thanksgiving. Our friends & family have left & the dishes are done. Today, I watched in amazement as my teenage kids were not only engaged in something other than their phones, but were excited and enthused to b…

“I wish I could travel like you”

Every time my wife & I get together with friends, they comment on our most recent Facebook travel pictures saying “I wish I could travel like you.” The funny thing is… if you want to travel like me, all you have to do is… Tr…