Having access problems?  Here are six things to try:

1)  Most importantly – If you cannot see trip details when you click on any trip you are interested in, you will be prompted to log-in. Otherwise, you are logged in and have nothing to worry about!

2) If you are getting an admin page that looks like the screen below and you see “Howdy [yourname]! in the top right corner – you’re logged in.

Something about your browser’s settings redirected you to a page you don’t need to use, and I apologize for the inconvenience.  Simply use the “visit site” link in the top right and you should be fine.


3) About 5% of my subscribers have “looping” requests to log in.

  • This is a result of your browser’s security settings being set to strictly and not allowing our login cookie to recognize you.
  • Please try using a different browser.
  • Or try using a different device (computer vs phone, or phone vs computer.)

4) Whenever you log in, be sure to check the “Remember me” checkbox. Doing so should mean you never have to log in again from that device.

5) If you forgot your password, use your “Lost your password?” link. If your “change password” email it doesn’t come through within 20 minutes, check your “spam/bulk/promotions” folder for an email from . (Very important: Be sure to wait for the email to be sent. Many subscribers send two requests because the first request took too long and end up using the wrong “reset password” link.)

If you keep getting logged out, out be sure to check that your browser’s security settings are not set too strict, and that you are not clearing cookies from JustGetOutOfTown.com (that’s what keeps you logged in.)

6) If all else fails, email me at [email protected] with as many details as possible (screenshots would be helpful too) or call me direct at 303-906-8790


FINALLY – If there is a trip you’re interested in getting details to and you continue to have password problems, simply reply to any trip alert you receive. Let us know which trip you’re interested in and we’d be glad to look it up for you.