Denver to Hong Kong, China plus 7 nights    –    Tue, Sep 05 to Tue, Sep 12.
Flight Alone: $381   (Check Business Class Fares)
Flight + basic hotel: $535 – Flight plus 4 & 5 star hotels: Click for more details
Not sure if this is the best airfare possible? (Compare historical fares)
Other options: AirBnB or VRBO. or Hostel World.
Know someone in Hong Kong? Try a reverse-search & invite them for a visit.
All Inclusive Options (if any)
Click here for screenshot of fare found

6 thoughts on “DEN > Hong Kong: $535 including 7 nights”

  1. Hi Joel, I’m looking for a 5-7 day Hong Kong trip in Sep or early October. I tried to get fare you’ve shown but best in finding is $1058. Thank you.

    1. Hi Michael,

      That fare was just for that specific date, and since it was well below average, it got grabbed up quickly. If you click on the flight price, you’ll see a few options in the $600 range between the 7th & 13th. (They give you hints of the cheapest days to travel using that flexible dates link.)

      You can play around with the dates I provide, but it appears that the later you go from the dates I found, the more expensive it gets.

    1. Considering your window is 2 to 6 weeks away, I would not wait much.

      If you’ve got your sights on Hong Kong, I wouldn’t hold your breath on finding something this late through my site. If I post anything again, it’s only going to be if fares dip under $600ish again, and who knows when that would be. If you don’t grab one of the $640ish fares through the link in this post, you’ll be better off setting up a fare-watch through one of the major sites.

      If you’re flexible on where you want to go, keep an eye on these links on my site (Also available through the custom menu)

      1. PS – Don’t forget – as a VIP, our recommended travel agent Shannon is familiar with all deals we post to the VIP area, and would probably be your best bet any time you venture away from the dates I post to the site.

        You can always call her at 303-351-1036

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