The more often you look – The luckier you get

I’m flying my family of four across the country for only slightly more than what most people would pay for one passenger and just had to share… I was about to admit defeat and pay more than I’ve paid for a flight in over 2 years: $222…

The more often you look – The luckier you get

I’m flying my family of four across the country for only slightly more than what most people would pay for one passenger and just had to share… I was about to admit defeat and pay more than I’ve paid for a flight in over 2 years: $222…

Ummmmm… Hell no.

[TL;DR? Watch a video at the bottom of this post instead.] I bargained with my sophomore son and told him if he took a free ACT practice test on Friday, he could take a friend snowboarding today. I was going to go boarding today too, but it was NEGATIV…

“I wish I could travel like you”

Every time my wife & I get together with friends, they comment on our most recent Facebook travel pictures saying “I wish I could travel like you.” The funny thing is… if you want to travel like me, all you have to do is… Tr…