Jennifer books $87 round-trip flights to St. Croix!! (Video)

Sorry if you got a broken link yesterday when I emailed you about this interview with Jennifer – a brand-new JGOOT subscriber. In this 14 minute video, we talk about Her $87 round-trip flight for her and her husband ($174 total) JGOOT compared to…

Jennifer books $87 round-trip flights to St. Croix!! (Video)

Sorry if you got a broken link yesterday when I emailed you about this interview with Jennifer – a brand-new JGOOT subscriber. In this 14 minute video, we talk about Her $87 round-trip flight for her and her husband ($174 total) JGOOT compared to…

Positioning flights (Advanced travel-hacking strategy)

A positioning flight is a flight someone takes out of a different airport than their own when they can fly for cheaper from that airport. It’s a bit of an advanced strategy experienced travelers use to get cheaper international flights. The advan…