7 quick-and-easy trip customizations

Have you ever decided to research a trip and been disappointed at the price? So you play with different options to see if you can get the price down, right? Sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you don’t. Well researching a JGOOT trip-alert is …

Jennifer books $87 round-trip flights to St. Croix!! (Video)

Sorry if you got a broken link yesterday when I emailed you about this interview with Jennifer – a brand-new JGOOT subscriber. In this 14 minute video, we talk about Her $87 round-trip flight for her and her husband ($174 total) JGOOT compared to…

Positioning flights (Advanced travel-hacking strategy)

A positioning flight is a flight someone takes out of a different airport than their own when they can fly for cheaper from that airport. It’s a bit of an advanced strategy experienced travelers use to get cheaper international flights. The advan…