why do we travel?

I was sitting in a dive bar in Kentucky… because as my fellow JGOOter Lee once said – no good story ever started with “so we were having a salad”.…  and I was drinking a Bourbon. I don’t often drink Bourbon, but this was Kentucky after all;…

why do we travel?

I was sitting in a dive bar in Kentucky… because as my fellow JGOOter Lee once said – no good story ever started with “so we were having a salad”.…  and I was drinking a Bourbon. I don’t often drink Bourbon, but this was Kentucky after all;…

Thanksgiving musings

It’s the end of the day on Thanksgiving. Our friends & family have left & the dishes are done. Today, I watched in amazement as my teenage kids were not only engaged in something other than their phones, but were excited and enthused to b…