why do we travel?

I was sitting in a dive bar in Kentucky… because as my fellow JGOOter Lee once said – no good story ever started with “so we were having a salad”.…  and I was drinking a Bourbon. I don’t often drink Bourbon, but this was Kentucky after all;…

Time flies when you’re having fun. But what if…

They say “time flies when you’re having fun”. But, what if it didn’t have to? What if there was a way to slow time down so you could really drink in every moment? Really get the most out of your time and money spent? On all of m…

As long as teachers are going on strike without pay, so will I

[Note: Already subscribed to my premium trip-alerts? Donate at least $100 to this fund (or another Go Fund Me that benefits individual Denver Schools), send me a receipt, and I’ll send you the 7-night vacation voucher referenced below.] Denver Pu…

As long as teachers are going on strike without pay, so will I

[Note: Already subscribed to my premium trip-alerts? Donate at least $100 to this fund (or another Go Fund Me that benefits individual Denver Schools), send me a receipt, and I’ll send you the 7-night vacation voucher referenced below.] Denver Pu…

Nothing like bumping a pilot from the plane

Every once in a while, I get an email or Facebook message from an irate Airline employee saying they’re in the industry and THERE IS NO WAY the mistake fares I am posting are legit.  (That’s them yelling. Not me.) Ummmm… How do they k…

“It’s not safe to travel”

After objection #1 (“Your deals seem too good to be true“), and objection #2 (“I don’t have the funds to travel right now“), third most common objection I hear regarding travel is : “It’s not safe to travel outside the U.S.” I couldn’t disagree more. Other than a handful of politically unstable countries, the majority of […]

The post “It’s not safe to travel” appeared first on Just Get Out Of Town.

Why are travel agents so unreliable?

First off, not all travel agents are unreliable, but The good agents only handle calls from new prospects after they are done serving their existing client base. If they’re really good, that might be a long time. The bad agents… Well, that&…

Closed for MLK weekend

I hope you’re enjoying your 3-day weekend! In honor of practicing what I preach, I’m going to take the next few days off to recharge my batteries here in Turks & Caicos. I’ll “see” you again on Wednesday.

Testimonial from a premium subscriber

I messed up on a premium subscriber’s billing and offered a refund when I caught it.  I couldn’t help but share his response.
Needless to say, he got hooked, and I can’t wait to follow his travels on his Facebook page.

Daniel Stres…

My Annual Shopping Spree at Dillard’s

For the past 7 or 8 years I’ve gone shopping on Jan 1, at Dillard’s, and I usually buy the majority of my clothes for the year during that sale. I don’t think I’ve ever walked out of Dillard’s from a Jan 1 sale with less than 15 items of clothing (usually 20 or 25), […]