Indianapolis to Denver, Colorado: 7 night trip.

Flight Options
Flight Alone: $137.
Dates I found this fare: Tue, Apr 10 to Tue, Apr 17.
Click here to verify availability. Flexibility score: 2/5.
Above dates are just a suggestion and can be easily changed. Click here to find out more.

Know someone in Denver? Try a reverse-search & invite them for a visit.
Check Business Class Prices

Still too expensive? Sign up for this credit card & fly there for free.
(Before applying, verify that your credit score is at least 680 with Credit Sesame.)

Lodging options:
Flight + basic hotel: $304 (Per-person price for one, three, four travelers)
Flight plus 4 & 5 star hotels: Click for more details (Per-person price for one, three, four travelers.)
Other lodging options: AirBnB or VRBO. or Hostel World.

All Inclusive Options (if any)
Things to do in Denver

* Fares found are only good until airline sells those seats.
* Click here for proof of fare we found.
* All package prices are per-person & assume double occupancy. Single travelers can expect to pay 5% to 30% more for packages. 3 or 4 travelers sharing a room can expect to spend 5% to 40% less per person.
* Many travel sites include per-person up-charge for more than two passengers, but hotels don’t. I advise calling travel site and asking them to waive those up-charges.
* JGOOT may receive compensation for purchases from some of the links above.
* JGOOT makes no warranties or guarantees about airlines or hotels linked to.
* User assumes all responsibility for using credit responsibly, and not applying for more credit than he/she can afford.
* User assumes all responsibility for researching details before purchasing flights or hotels on the site of their choice.

Questions about booking this trip can be answered here.