Faking it

My divorce was final. I was committed to a hefty, non-modifiable, alimony payment for the next four years. Then I lost a client that represented about 90% of my income. I was not just screwed… I was 1000% more screwed than I was just a month befo…

The “Hail Mary” method of travel

In football – a “Hail Mary” is a desperation-play at the end of a game.  Although it’s great on the rare occasion it works, it’s rarely successful. Unfortunately, most people rely on “Hail Mary” methods with th…

The “Hail Mary” method of travel

In football – a “Hail Mary” is a desperation-play at the end of a game.  Although it’s great on the rare occasion it works, it’s rarely successful. Unfortunately, most people rely on “Hail Mary” methods with th…

Squish Like Grape

Remember this scene from Karate kid?   Walk right side road – Safe. Walk left side road – Safe. Walk middle of road – sooner or later… Squish like grape. Want to find a pretty good deal every once in a while? Stick to the right …

Squish Like Grape

Remember this scene from Karate kid?   Walk right side road – Safe. Walk left side road – Safe. Walk middle of road – sooner or later… Squish like grape. Want to find a pretty good deal every once in a while? Stick to the right …

Can you solve a Rubik’s Cube?

So I’ll admit I can’t solve a Rubik’s Cube at all. My husband claims he’s been trying to solve the same one since high school and that was 30 years ago! If I concentrate really, really hard I can, on occasion, solve one side. But that’s it. My pe…

Take our 30-day challenge & get $300 toward your travels

Have you taken our 30-day challenge?  It takes as little as 30 seconds a day, and when you complete it – you’ll receive this savings card (which happens to be worth more than double the cost of your JGOOT subscription.) As you (hopefully) k…

Chase Sapphire: 80,000 point signup bonus

Chase Sapphire has some of the most valuable and most diverse points in the industry – and they’re currently offering an 80,000 point signup bonus. If you haven’t explored the world of point-hacking, this is a great way to start. For …

7 quick-and-easy trip customizations

Have you ever decided to research a trip and been disappointed at the price? So you play with different options to see if you can get the price down, right? Sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you don’t. Well researching a JGOOT trip-alert is …

Jennifer books $87 round-trip flights to St. Croix!! (Video)

Sorry if you got a broken link yesterday when I emailed you about this interview with Jenniver – a brand-new JGOOT subscriber. In this 14 minute video, we talk about JGOOT compared to other services she’s used Checking travel restrictions b…

Positioning flights (Advanced travel-hacking strategy)

A positioning flight is a flight someone takes out of a different airport than their own when they can fly for cheaper from that airport. It’s a bit of an advanced strategy experienced travelers use to get cheaper international flights. The advan…

Can I get a refund if I change my flight?

Can I get a refund if I change my flight? Can I get a refund if the airline cancels or changes my flight?
The post Can I get a refund if I change my flight? appeared first on Just Get Out Of Town.

Coronavirus, Travel, & Social Responsibility

I’ve gotten a lot of criticism from subscribers about irresponsibly encouraging travel during this critical time and I can’t help but clear a couple of things up about “The JGOOT Way” of travel. (You can read one of the more pol…

“I refuse to fly Spirit Airlines”

We got this email from a subscriber 12 hours after signing up for our premium alert service. I thought I’d address a few of her concerns in case you have similar concerns yourself.
The post “I refuse to fly Spirit Airlines” appeared f…

5 ways to get $1000 to $12,000 out of 5 minutes of work

Yesterday, a free subscriber emailed stating she likes the idea of our service but can’t afford to upgrade. She said she can only afford to travel out of necessity for things like weddings/funerals, etc. I was covering for Brooke (our AMAZING cus…

Webinar Recording: JGOOT Lunch and Learn

Watch this member-only video where we discuss various ways to travel for 50% to 95% less than the average Joe. Don’t want to watch the whole video?  Feel free to click a link to skip around to topics such as: 1:15 Watching close-by airports that …

Can’t find the prices we’re finding? Watch this video.

I get multiple emails a day from people stating that they can’t find the same prices we’re finding – sometimes within hours of us sending the alert. Although sometimes the prices do go back up that fast, most times – they’…

Tips for Traveling with kids who have Food Allergies

“Wow, your kid has such severe food allergies, that must be SO hard.” “How can you possibly travel with a kid with those allergies?” “Wait you’re taking him out of the country to a country where you don’t speak the language and he has food allergies?” …

Want to upgrade your hotel?

Don’t forget – any trip alert we send allows you to book a flight by itself, or bundle it with dozens of lodging choices. Here’s how to customize your hotel however you like.
The post Want to upgrade your hotel? appeared first on Just…

Want to upgrade your hotel?

Don’t forget – any trip alert we send allows you to book a flight by itself, or bundle it with dozens of lodging choices. Here’s how to customize your hotel however you like.
The post Want to upgrade your hotel? appeared first on Just…

Time flies when you’re having fun. But what if…

They say “time flies when you’re having fun”. But, what if it didn’t have to? What if there was a way to slow time down so you could really drink in every moment? Really get the most out of your time and money spent? On all of m…

“Squish like grape”

Remember this scene from Karate kid?   Walk right side road – Safe. Walk left side road – Safe. Walk middle of road – sooner or later… Squish like grape. Want to find a pretty good deal every once in a while? Stick to the right …

The “magic” question that has a 100% success rate

Let’s say you’re running to the grocery store. You forgot your credit card and you’ve only got $25 in cash, but you need to fix a nice dinner for 4.
The post The “magic” question that has a 100% success rate appeared first…

My favorite scene from Good Will Hunting

Do you remember the bar scene from Good Will Hunting?   LOVE that movie… Every time I watch it, it makes me want to go out and read a ton of books, and get me some of them “smarts” for myself. But then I don’t. And I settle…

The “Hail Mary” Way of Travel

As you hopefully know by now, The JGOOT Way of travel is about one thing, and one thing ONLY: Saving 50% to 98% every time you travel. However… That doesn’t mean you can pick a date, pick a destination, and magically find that trip for less…

Travel tips from our awesome subscribers

Photo credit: Amirul Siyaidi We’ve got the most awesome travelers in our JGOOT Facebook community. I asked them about their favorite travel tips, and I got so many great ones, I thought I’d share some of them here. Happy travels! –Joe…

Don’t have good credit? Try this:

As you (hopefully) know by now – “The JGOOT Way” of travel says that there are two (and ONLY two) kinds of flights: Flights you can take for 10¢ to 50¢ on the dollar. Flights you use points to pay for. Using those simple rules, I have…

This recipe is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser

This dish is not served often enough. Most people think it takes too much time to plan, but when done right, it takes less time than just about any dish you cook “the traditional way”. It’s guaranteed to please the whole family, but t…

Two people. Same plane. TOTALLY different prices.

Meet Kari & Kelly, Kari got a $1500 Mexico lodging voucher through JGOOT, and she and her friend Kelly booked a girls’ trip over a holiday weekend. They booked their flights on the same day… They’re flying on the same plane, to th…

Amazon Prime day – Great day to shop for new luggage

My wife has been wanting to update our 10 to 15-year-old luggage, but I’m a notorious cheapskate and have been resisting. Since Amazon is knocking as much as 60% off for Prime day, she finally convinced my cheap-a$$ to agree. If you’re shop…

“Sorry, this just seems like a scam”

For every one “Thank You” email I get from a paid subscriber, I probably get ten from free subscribers who simply don’t believe the prices I say are possible when traveling (even when I send them actual trips they can book themselves …