Don’t have good credit? Try this:

As you (hopefully) know by now – “The JGOOT Way” of travel says that there are two (and ONLY two) kinds of flights: Flights you can take for 10¢ to 50¢ on the dollar. Flights you use points to pay for. Using those simple rules, I have…

Don’t have good credit? Try this:

As you (hopefully) know by now – “The JGOOT Way” of travel says that there are two (and ONLY two) kinds of flights: Flights you can take for 10¢ to 50¢ on the dollar. Flights you use points to pay for. Using those simple rules, I have…

“I’ll have a cheeseburger with no cheese”

“I’ll have a cheeseburger with no cheese.” If you heard someone order that, wouldn’t you feel COMPELLED to tell the way they’re ordering is costing them too much? Unfortunately, I get several dozen requests like that every…