Can I get a refund if I change my flight?

Can I get a refund if I change my flight? Can I get a refund if the airline cancels or changes my flight?
The post Can I get a refund if I change my flight? appeared first on Just Get Out Of Town.

“I refuse to fly Spirit Airlines”

We got this email from a subscriber 12 hours after signing up for our premium alert service. I thought I’d address a few of her concerns in case you have similar concerns yourself.
The post “I refuse to fly Spirit Airlines” appeared f…

“I refuse to fly Spirit Airlines”

We got this email from a subscriber 12 hours after signing up for our premium alert service. I thought I’d address a few of her concerns in case you have similar concerns yourself.
The post “I refuse to fly Spirit Airlines” appeared f…

Can’t find the prices we’re finding? Watch this video.

I get multiple emails a day from people stating that they can’t find the same prices we’re finding – sometimes within hours of us sending the alert. Although sometimes the prices do go back up that fast, most times – they’…

“Sorry, this just seems like a scam”

For every one “Thank You” email I get from a paid subscriber, I probably get ten from free subscribers who simply don’t believe the prices I say are possible when traveling (even when I send them actual trips they can book themselves …

Can I pick my own dates?

For every time I get this question, I’m sure there are 1000 more subscribers wondering the same thing, so I’ll just post my response here. Hi Noah, It’s closer to the latter. I share the 100 to 150 deals a month with my premium subscr…

Can I pick my own dates?

For every time I get this question, I’m sure there are 1000 more subscribers wondering the same thing, so I’ll just post my response here. Hi Noah, It’s closer to the latter. I share the 100 to 150 deals a month with my premium subscr…