Have lots of frequent flyer points? Don’t waste them on a flight to New Zealand. A round-trip flight to New…

FLL > Managua, Nicaragua: Biz from $1209 Econ from $183. – Apr-Jun
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

MIA > Bali, Indonesia: Econ from $1026. – Aug-Oct
Quick tip: Whenever possible, book directly with the airlines for long-haul flights. Sometimes, you can request an upgrade to business…

FLL > Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands: Econ from $175. – Apr-Jun
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

MIA > San Juan, Puerto Rico: Econ from $80. – Mar-May
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

MIA > Los Angeles, California: Econ from $112. – Mar-May
Be sure to check out the “cruises” links below to see if you could grab this cheap flight, and hop…

MIA > Porto Alegre, Brazil: Biz from $2126 Econ from $522. – Mar-May
For long-haul flights like this, be sure to check out the business class prices below. (They’re not always as discounted…

MIA > San Jose, Costa Rica: Biz from $1219 Econ from $183. – Oct-Dec (Including Thanksgiving)
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > San Salvador, El Salvador: Econ from $165. – Mar-May
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

MIA > Boston, Massachusetts: Econ from $59. – Apr-Jun
Have friends or family who live here? Grab this cheap flight and visit them, or check out the reverse-search link…

MIA > Corfu, Greece: Econ from $502. – Apr-Jun
Don’t forget to check the “Flight plus hotel” prices below. By bundling your hotel with your flight, you can get…

FLL > Kingston, Jamaica: Biz from $948 Econ from $233. – Feb-Apr (Including Spring Break)
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > Montego Bay, Jamaica: Biz from $954 Econ from $210. – Apr-Jun
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: Econ from $57. – Mar-May
Don’t forget – most of these trips sell out within days (if not hours), so be sure to check your…

FLL > Georgetown, Guyana: Biz from $1005 Econ from $482. – May-Jul (Including Summer Break)
Don’t forget to check the “Flight plus hotel” prices below. By bundling your hotel with your flight, you can get…

MIA > Dubrovnik, Croatia: Econ from $551. – Apr-Jun
* This is an airline sale that is time-sensitive. Plenty of alternate dates (even in other months), but you’ll need…

MIA > Panama City, Panama: Biz from $799 Econ from $299. – Apr-Jun
Don’t forget to check the “Flight plus hotel” prices below. By bundling your hotel with your flight, you can get…

MIA > San Pedro Sula, Honduras: Biz from $848 Econ from $171. – Mar-May (Including Spring Break)
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > Managua, Nicaragua: Biz from $1156 Econ from $233. – Apr-Jun
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > Saint Thomas Island, U.S. Virgin Islands: Econ from $98. – Apr-Jun
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands: Econ from $155. – Apr-Jun
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

MIA > Thera, Greece: Econ from $599. – Mar-May
Be sure to check the flight plus hotel price below! Sometimes, you can get your hotel for nearly free –…

MIA > Los Angeles, California: Econ from $111. – Mar-May
Have friends or family who live here? Grab this cheap flight and visit them, or check out the reverse-search link…

FLL > San Juan, Puerto Rico: Econ from $75. – Apr-Jun
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > Oranjestad, Aruba: Biz from $1070 Econ from $224. – Apr-Jun
When we went to Aruba – we stayed at the Renaissance, and it was fantastic. They have their own private…

MIA > Split, Croatia: Econ from $580. – Apr-Jun
* This is a “fare dump” with a few alternate dates available.

MIA > San Jose, Costa Rica: Biz from $960 Econ from $237. – Oct-Dec
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > Cartagena, Colombia: Biz from $734 Econ from $171. – Apr-Jun
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

MIA > Boston, Massachusetts: Econ from $53. – Mar-May
Don’t forget – in addition to basic economy fares, we also look up Business fare prices, flight plus hotel prices,…

FLL > Kingston, Jamaica: Biz from $923 Econ from $231. – Feb-Apr (Including Spring Break)
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

MIA > Simpson Bay, St. Maarten: Biz from $824 Econ from $184. – Apr-Jun
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > Montego Bay, Jamaica: Biz from $1016 Econ from $210. – Feb-Apr
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > Jacksonville, Florida: Econ from $49. – Feb-Apr (Including Spring Break)
Don’t forget that every trip we share with you is at a price that you’d be better off paying cash…

MIA > Dubrovnik, Croatia: Econ from $570. – Apr-Jun
* This is an airline sale that is time-sensitive. Plenty of alternate dates (even in other months), but you’ll need…

FLL > Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: Econ from $67. – Feb-Apr (Including Spring Break)
Have friends or family who live here? Grab this cheap flight and visit them, or check out the reverse-search link…

FLL > Piarco, Trinidad and Tobago: Biz from $876 Econ from $204. – Feb-Apr (Including Spring Break)
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > Fukuoka, Japan: Econ from $902. – Oct-Dec
Have lots of frequent flyer points? Don’t waste them on a flight to New Zealand. A round-trip flight to New…

MIA > San Pedro Sula, Honduras: Biz from $952 Econ from $173. – Feb-Apr (Including Spring Break)
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

FLL > Managua, Nicaragua: Biz from $1079 Econ from $214. – Apr-Jun
Quick tip: If you don’t like the dates in the sample search below, you can almost always adjust the dates.…

MIA > Porto Alegre, Brazil: Biz from $2326 Econ from $381. – Feb-Apr (Including Spring Break)
Have lots of frequent flyer points? Don’t waste them on a flight to New Zealand. A round-trip flight to New…