Remember the guy who earned over a million miles by buying 12,000 pudding cups? This hack might not get you 1.2 million miles, but it will get you nearly 10,000, and it’s a LOT easier. And before you turn your nose up at 10,000 points that most p…
Travel Quote: “Travel leaves you speachless, then turns you into a storyteller.”
My wife and I have amazing friends. Smart friends. Caring friends. The one downside to that is that whenever we get together in a group – I’m often forced to be a fly on a wall as they have these in-depth talks about anything from faith …
Travel Quote: “Travel leaves you speachless, then turns you into a storyteller.”
My wife and I have amazing friends. Smart friends. Caring friends. The one downside to that is that whenever we get together in a group – I’m often forced to be a fly on a wall as they have these in-depth talks about anything from faith …
why do we travel?
I was sitting in a dive bar in Kentucky… because as my fellow JGOOter Lee once said – no good story ever started with “so we were having a salad”.… and I was drinking a Bourbon. I don’t often drink Bourbon, but this was Kentucky after all;…
Nothing like stealing $2 million with a worthless hand in poker
In a poker TV show called Shark Cage, they pit various celebrities against actual poker pros. (It’s like Dancing with the Stars, but with poker players). The majority of hands are pretty boring and get edited out because most players fold most of…
Time flies when you’re having fun. But what if…
They say “time flies when you’re having fun”. But, what if it didn’t have to? What if there was a way to slow time down so you could really drink in every moment? Really get the most out of your time and money spent? On all of m…
“Squish like grape”
Remember this scene from Karate kid? Walk right side road – Safe. Walk left side road – Safe. Walk middle of road – sooner or later… Squish like grape. Want to find a pretty good deal every once in a while? Stick to the right …
My favorite scene from Good Will Hunting
Do you remember the bar scene from Good Will Hunting? LOVE that movie… Every time I watch it, it makes me want to go out and read a ton of books, and get me some of them “smarts” for myself. But then I don’t. And I settle…
This recipe is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser
This dish is not served often enough. Most people think it takes too much time to plan, but when done right, it takes less time than just about any dish you cook “the traditional way”. It’s guaranteed to please the whole family, but t…
Divorce lawyers, Taco-Tuesdays & vacationing with reckless abandon
It was 2012 and I was in the middle of a brutal divorce. Although the kids’ Mom and I were doing a decent job of shielding our kids from our disagreements, our lawyers were duking it out like the final fight scene of Rocky IV. All of my assets we…
A rarely known hack that can pay for a vacation (or three) per year
As you (hopefully) know from reading my blog, I’m a big advocate of using frequent flyer points any time you have to go somewhere that is going to cost more than the prices I share on Just Get Out Of Town. I’ve used frequent flyer points to…
Tonight’s Oscars, “A Star Is Born”, and an unexpected reaction
Last night, in hopes of cramming one last Oscar nominated movie in before tonight’s award ceremony, my lovely wife Michelle rented “A Star Is Born” for us to watch. After a long day skiing (and a 4 hour drive back due to a 2-hour road…
“It’s five minutes of dreaming and fun” – Robert Horvick
Below is a recording of a conversation I had with JGOOT premium subscriber Robert Horvick after he left these kind words on our Facebook page. Robert & his wife live in Raleigh, NC. Since joining my trip-alert service, they’ve only travelled …
Reach out and touch someone
. In the late 70’s – long-distance calling was extremely expensive ($.10 to $.25 per minute), rates were very confusing, and most people only called for really special occasions. So AT&T launched a campaign about how their new calling…
The great composer does not set to work because he is inspired, but becomes inspired because he is working.
“The great composer does not set to work because he is inspired, but becomes inspired because he is working.” – Ernest Newman, Born Nov. 30, 1868. One of the best copywriters I am proud to know (Colin Theriot) wrote an article using t…
An epic Vegas bachelor party… On a budget.
The post An epic Vegas bachelor party… On a budget. appeared first on Just Get Out Of Town.
This site is not for you if…
Yesterday, I got a text from one of my subscribers, Brooke Merkle, while she was on vacation. When CBS News profiled her less than a year ago, she had taken her family on 3 JGOOT-inspired trips, and was going on her fourth trip to Hawaii. She’s …
Thanksgiving musings
It’s the end of the day on Thanksgiving. Our friends & family have left & the dishes are done. Today, I watched in amazement as my teenage kids were not only engaged in something other than their phones, but were excited and enthused to b…
Coming to you from the future
Hey. I know this is weird, but this is the future you, and I just got in a time-machine. I’m contacting you from 6 months in the future because I’m (we’re) in a bit of a bind… So our friends John & Sally are going to have to…
Formula for a cheap vacation AND free babysitters
Need a quick getaway without the kids, but don’t have family in town to help watch them? This little trick will take 3 or 4 months of advance planning, but it is sure to: Find a dirt-cheap vacation to a place you didn’t think you could afford. Find free babysitters you can trust while relaxing […]
The post Formula for a cheap vacation AND free babysitters appeared first on Just Get Out Of Town.
Tips from an expert: Taking better vacation photos
Nearly a decade ago, I got to go on a photo-walk with renowned photographer – Trey Ratcliff. (Click here to see some of his work.) I’m not a professional photographer, but ever since applying things I learned from Trey – I’ve been asked to shoot weddings, events, and births of babies – all because of […]
The post Tips from an expert: Taking better vacation photos appeared first on Just Get Out Of Town.
“It’s not safe to travel”
After objection #1 (“Your deals seem too good to be true“), and objection #2 (“I don’t have the funds to travel right now“), third most common objection I hear regarding travel is : “It’s not safe to travel outside the U.S.” I couldn’t disagree more. Other than a handful of politically unstable countries, the majority of […]
The post “It’s not safe to travel” appeared first on Just Get Out Of Town.
Had been wanting to visit Coeur D’Alene & your $39 flight made it possible.
This premium subscriber just booked his first JGOOT inspired trip, and saved about 8 times more than what he paid for his premium subscription. Much like the majority of premium subscribers, he found a trip he wasn’t necessarily looking for, but when you find prices that good – to a place that’s on your bucket […]
The post Had been wanting to visit Coeur D’Alene & your $39 flight made it possible. appeared first on Just Get Out Of Town.
Some of my favorite travel pics “on loan”
“My Best Friend’s Wedding” is a cheesy romantic comedy that I could have just as well fast-forwarded all the way to the last two scenes.
But the last two scenes made the whole movie worth while.
If you’ve read my personal story…
It takes a village. (A “JGOOT Village”)
Got a question about an area you’ll be visiting soon? Have pictures & advice to share from a place you’ve recently been? Want to brag about the price you paid to get there? Introducing JGOOT Village: A free place for travelers to discuss places they’ve been, places they’re going to, and anything else having to […]
The most important ingredient when making Pho
The post The most important ingredient when making Pho appeared first on Just Get Out Of Town.
“What does your wife do?”
The setup: I work at home and am on my computer 90% of the time. Most of my clients are 2 to 7 hours ahead of me so I start early, and rarely shower until late afternoon. I also watch embarrassing volumes of movies & shows on Netflix while doing th…