From one of the greats

Wayne Gretzky is among the greatest hockey players in history. When asked what he attributes to his success he quoted a simple lesson his Dad gave him: “Skate to where the puck is going, not to where it has been.” Want to spend 75% to 90% l…

Ummmmm… Hell no.

[TL;DR? Watch a video at the bottom of this post instead.] I bargained with my sophomore son and told him if he took a free ACT practice test on Friday, he could take a friend snowboarding today. I was going to go boarding today too, but it was NEGATIV…

Your “Travel More” New Year Resolution

Happy New Year!  Have you got 5 minutes? Let’s get you started on your first step toward actually getting to your dream destination affordably this year, shall we? Step 1: Think of a destination that is on your bucket list Step 2: Go to a site ca…

Reach out and touch someone

 . In the late 70’s – long-distance calling was extremely expensive ($.10 to $.25 per minute), rates were very confusing, and most people only called for really special occasions. So AT&T launched a campaign about how their new calling…